Pangaea – we are building an African Merchant Bank!
Written by Ceaser Siwale & Tshepo Magagane
You know one thing I would never forgive the Codesa settlement and hence the alliance for in South Africa?
BEE which was meant to maintain status quo and which has.
BEE deals were done across the financial sector in South Africa – with 10s of billions distributed (“politicians”)…yet not even a single “micro-lending” institution that could be run off an excel spreadsheet sprouted from that…
…only purchases of ZAR100m Constantia Houses and Private Jets!
We are a different generation and we are going to change this!
PS: Bit of trivia – read these various lines and if you are from Botswana and South Africa, what do you pick up?
Clue – we announced the formation of the “Barotse” SPV this week which is being led by Buks and FQM!
Fa re sa dire rona, ke mang yo o tlaa dirang
2nd line in the advert – as I would say it as a Mongatana from South Africa / Botswana “Fa re sa e dire rona, ke mang yo o tla e dirang”…
…why, the Batswana (from both current day South Africa and Botswana – they are first level relations – talking when there is a function on either side of the border eg in Gaborone, you will find NWest, Gauteng, NCape license plates) and Basotho (from both current day South Africa and Lesotho) and Barotse are the same people – Barotse in the Lozi who are in Western Zambia…
…when you look at my surname, there are lands outside current day South Africa that are called that – WHY? Because Magagane was sired by Mongatana – Mongatana and Kope were both sons of King Mohlahuna (the great Kingdoms pre-colonial times – why I do not refer to “Bapedi”, you can call them Northern Sotho – Bopedi were lands that belonged to Mongatana)…
…a lot in indigenous history – I dont eat game in restaurants – WHY – simply as my Totems on the paternal side are “Kgaga – Scaly Anteater, Phuti – Antelope, Kwena – Crocodile” and maternal is “Nare – Buffalo”…
…why you cant talk about sustainability / environmental protection without first learning and understanding indigenous knowledge and cultures!