Kobold – How Do You  Get To The Valuation?

Tshepo Magagane: Executive Director – Pangaea Advisory Group / Partner – The Critical Minerals Fund

Mining valuation is a bit tricky but understand that you are always looking at what they call Net Present Value or Net Asset Value = Discounted Cash Flow over Life of Mine.

1. Mingomba – this is a defined deposit – you know the Copper is there.

Yes, pre-production – why we make these “risk-unlock adjustments”. You start with a pre-MRE asset, move it to MRE then PFS then BFS then PF then Commissioning and eventually production.

Traditionally, you found that base metals commanded a 1x NPV/NAV when producing. Over the past 24mths as people started to wake up to what is happening to Copper assets, you have seen this move to a premium of about 1.5x.

NB: my experience tells me that the LT copper prices being inputted by “equity models” for “listed copper” is likely around USD15-20k/t ie share price expectations…if you were to input that into the NPV/NAV models, the P/NPV,NAV will likely collapse to the traditional 1x…

…you can test this by looking at Gold Companies which traditionally traded on 2.5-3.0x P/NPV…now have collapsed through 1x – LT consensus prices are around USD2,000/oz, which takes up NPV (market saying “we are not sure whether CB buying has created a new floor, so all upside is captured) – mining idiosyncrasies, lots of variables but key to understand the key few drivers!

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If you take recent press such as the ongoing FQM deal around Zambian assets, they are each expected to fetch a USD12.5bn valuation (total USD25bn) – USD5k/t EBITDA margin and a multiple of 10-12x EBITDA.

We have also seen Sumitomo pay USD400m for a pre-PFS Rio asset for 30% (not a great asset at all).

So all in, a good chunk of the Kobold fundraising valuation will come from here

NB: The biggest NAV risk adjustments are 1. PF (you can heavily discount it as they have investors with deep pockets – debt is easy when you have equity) 2. Hydro-geo – with the right brains and doing it right the first time around, a risk that can be managed…SO….

2. Agreements with majors – a number of agreements around exploration – how do you value them – you can look at the tenements that are covered by those agreements and apply the principles in “1”

3. Earn-in agreements with juniors – they already have agreements in place with a few juniors; so more value there

4. Future work profile – there are Tier 1 assets to be discovered in Zambia and the DRC. There are also numerous Tier 2 assets that will be discovered (or should I say “defined”) to hit that 3Mtpa in Zambia – Tier 2 assets are likely going for USD4-5bn if you extrapolate from Khoemacau – so value to be found there (A LOT)

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