Zambia Mining Insaka Webinar

Speaker: Tshepo Magagane

Insaka Webinar 19 September 2024 – Please register for the webinar on this link:

Critical Minerals – all important, but not created EQUAL!

Copper – we need 10 more Escondidas, we need 10 more Kamoas – we need a myriad of Khoemacau!

For Zambia to 3Mtpa of Copper production, you are going to need c17 Khoemacau – Khoemacau was the 57x “Money on Multiple” in 7 years that Specialist Mining Capital did in Botswana last year!

Those opportunities are there for capital, why this excites me so much – not only that but this once in a generation opportunity to transform Africa as we “transition” to the Transition! The ability to build capital ecosystems across Africa – that is the opportunity here!

You cant have Decarbonisation, Deglobalisation, Data without Copper – because you need Energy, and energy needs Copper!

A senior at a multi-lateral said a few months back over lunch “for the first time in history, G7 and Africa’s interests are aligned… won’t last forever” – how do we as Africans take advantage of this opportunity?

We have an opportunity as Africans to use the Australian template for Steel Making Raw Materials for Chinese Steel production with Critical Minerals – at both a country level (infrastructure, roads, rail, bridges, towns, supply chains) and at an entrepreneur level (see how many billionaires were created in Australia)!

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